Mainland Company Setup In Dubai

Mainland Company
Setup In Dubai

Mainland License, a license that helps entrepreneurs possess flexibility, in other words, you are allowed to grow & do business across UAE, unlike Free Zone. Although, free zone has it’s benefits. (Read more here). Regulated by the
Department of Economic Development (DED). The UAE
government has allowed for 100% foreign ownership for the businesses located on the mainland.

Mainland License, a license that helps entrepreneurs possess flexibility, in other words, you are allowed to grow & do business across UAE, unlike Free Zone. Although, free zone has it’s benefits. (Read more here). Regulated by the
Department of Economic Development (DED). The UAE
government has allowed for 100% foreign ownership for the businesses located on the mainland.

Mainland Company Setup In Dubai

Mainland License, a license that helps entrepreneurs possess flexibility, in other words, you are allowed to grow & do business across UAE, unlike Free Zone. Although, free zone has it's benefits. (Read more here). Regulated by the Department of Economic Development (DED). The UAE government has allowed for 100% foreign ownership for the businesses located on the mainland.

Benefits of Mainland License in Dubai

Freedom to choose location & zero trade restrictions

Companies with mainland licence is permitted to choose specific location of choice anywhere in dubai, benefiting to serve targeted market and making the business, able to scale and open multiple branches across UAE. Also, unlike freezone companies, Mainland company can trade with other mainland counterpart. In case of freezone companies, you are restricted to operate in respective free zone.

Exempted from tax & repatriation of profits

Mainland company in dubai is exempted from corporate tax & any tax on personal income. 100% repatriation of capital and profits are admissible.

Greater number of business activities opportunities

As mentioned earlier, mainland license offers freedom and flexibility thus, one is permitted to also opt for governmental work, as opposed to free zone, where only private/commercial work should be undertaken. Numerous business activities can be opted for, under mainland license in comparison to free zone.

No constraint of Visas

There is no limit on the number of visas mainland companies can issue. However, keep in mind that eligibility to obtain certain number of visas also depends on the office space. In other words, bigger office space directly correlates to the eligibility to issue more number of visas

No minimum capital required

To incorporate a company with a Mainland license, one does not need minimum capital to embark on the same.


Are you an online business coach, artisan or craftsman? Then a professional licence is what you need to freely and legally offer your professional services to clients.

Planning to sell physical goods in Dubai? A commercial licence allows you to engage in business activities that involve selling or trading products.

If you’re interested in producing or manufacturing goods, then our team can help you secure an industrial licence that permits you to engage in industrial and manufacturing activities.

Ready to celebrate?

Start your company, today.